The whole country doesn’t want to know Conor McGregor. He could lose everything
The whole country doesn’t want to know Conor McGregor. He could lose everything Conor McGregor was found guilty of raping Nikita Hand. The shocking testimony of doctors and paramedics turned out to be decisive. The Sun reported that the Irishman now has to pay the woman 250,000 euros in compensation. However, the consequences of this…
The whole country doesn’t want to know Conor McGregor. He could lose everything
Conor McGregor was found guilty of raping Nikita Hand. The shocking testimony of doctors and paramedics turned out to be decisive. The Sun reported that the Irishman now has to pay the woman 250,000 euros in compensation. However, the consequences of this act may be much greater, as the BBC reported that “people do not want anything to do with the former UFC champion”. Not much of that, he points out that all of Ireland turned its back on him.
“People wanted to hear me, but I needed time. I know I made mistakes. (…) to the I should never have betray the woman I love the most in the world. (…) to the I regret what happened that night, but I can assure you that it was all by mutual consent,” Conor McGregor said on November 25. Two days later, Dee Devlin, the Irishwoman’s wife, also referred to the whole event. She said no one had the right to comment on their relationship. “Our family is strong and nothing or no one will change it,” she said.
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The whole of Ireland turned away from Conor McGregor. “People don’t want to know him.”
However, the former UFC will not avoid the consequences, because according to The Sun, he must now pay the injured woman 250,000 euros. Not only that, the companies cooperating with him so far do not want to have anything to do with him, among others. IO Interactive or Proximo Spirits, which bought the Proper No Twelve whisky brand three years ago from the competitor.
“People don’t want anything to do with him. Ireland has turned its back on Conor McGregor,” the BBC said. Director of the DRCC (Dublin Rape Crisis Centre – Rape Crisis Centre – Rape Crisis Centre – ed.) Rachel Morrogh admitted that the interest in the case was gigantic. There have been many questions from the media, what the situation is now. She added that victims of sexual violence could not avoid these messages.
“A lot of people have expressed relief by notifying themselves of the verdict. Others called because they were considering initiating a court case,” she said. The local journalist Petesy Carroll revealed that the incident involving McGregor motivated other victims to act. “It looks like a milestone for Irish society,” he said.
Właściciel siłowni Scully Fitness w Corrandulla momentalnie po ogłoszeniu decyzji sądu zadzwonił do pracowników, by ci przestali pracować. Na ścianach budynku powstawał mural ukazujący McGregora, który unosi ręce w geście zwycięstwa. Dzieło zostało już jednak zamalowane. – Ludzie nie chcą go widzieć, nie mają zamiaru wpłacać dla niego pieniędzy. Sposób, w jaki się zachowuje, jest okropny. Czuł, że jest ponad prawem, ale okazało się, że tak jednak nie jest – stwierdził właściciel siłowni.
UFC nie zdecydowało się dotąd skomentować całego zdarzenia. Trudno oczekiwać, czy Conor McGregor zdecyduje się jeszcze kiedykolwiek wrócić do oktagonu. Od wielu miesięcy spekulowano, że zmierzy się z Michaelem Chandlerem, a ich pojedynek był już nawet zestawiony na czerwcową galę UFC 303. Irlandczyk w ostatniej chwili doznał jednak kontuzji i musiał się wycofać.