Piotr Żyła popełnił ogromny błąd. Kosztował go setki tysięcy złotych
of Piotr Żyła without a sponsor on the helmet circulated the world of ski jumping. The two-time world champion – this sensational – stayed this season without an individual sponsor. We know why and what money he lost. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars a year! The veins were not only damaged…
of Piotr Żyła without a sponsor on the helmet circulated the world of ski jumping. The two-time world champion – this sensational – stayed this season without an individual sponsor. We know why and what money he lost. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars a year! The veins were not only damaged by poor jumps, but also rumors about the fight in Clout MMA. He is forced to negotiate on a completely different level than before.
From Piotr Żyła’s helmet, Grupa Azoty disappeared after years, which changes the strategy of financing the sport
She hasn’t found a new sponsor yet. In his best times, he could induction even over a million zlotys for this
They do not help: poor jumps, rumors about the performance in Clout MMA and… the war of Radosław Piesiewicz with Sławomir Nitras
Jan Winkiel from PZN tells us why it is becoming increasingly difficult to find money in Polish jumps. No viewership results help
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Not only the sports form of Piotr Żyła arouses emotions at the beginning of this winter. The two-time world champion hit the second league of ski jumping, the Continental Cup last weekend. He will return to the World Cup next weekend in Engelberg, coach Thomas Thurnbichler on Monday announced that he would give the 37-year-old another chance. On the jumps of Żyły, not only he, but also the sponsors will look carefully.
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On Saturday, we reported that the player from Wisła performs this season with a clean white helmet, on which is only a small Polish flag. This means that after many years his manager was not able to sell to any sponsor the advertising space that Polish jumpers have. In previous seasons, our stars could earn on it with bonuses even over a million zlotys a year. This is undoubtedly the end of an era.
Nervously around Polish ski jumping. “Older and weak, they must be thrown in the trash.”
– Piotrek’s weak sports result was decisive last season. In general, a weak season of Polish jumps, with a lot of bad image and bad energy. What does that mean? The tone was such that Polish jumpers are old and weak, they must be thrown in the trash and looking for new ones. Unfortunately, this was the level of discussion, such comments – says Jan Winkiel, who in the Polish Ski Association [PZN] deals with sponsors and marketing.
Read also: That’s why Dawid Kubacki will not appear in Engelberg. It’s all clear
This is confirmed by the numbers. This year’s competitions in Wisła in TVP1 and TVP Sport were followed by an average of 1.6 million viewers. This is the lowest viewership of Polish World Championships in public television, although the shares in Eurosport increased. The jumping audience fell very much in 2022 and has basically stopped since then.
Sponsors look at it, order audits of comments from social media, and look at a broader picture.
Piotr Żyła i Kamil Stoch
Piotr Żyła i Kamil Stoch (Photo: EXPA/Newspix.pl, EXPA/Tadeusz Mieczyński / newspix.pl)
Radosław Piesiewicz’s dispute with Sławomir Nitras also reflects on ski jumping
“In Polish sport, a lot of bad has happened in recent months,” says Winkiel, pointing to the controversy surrounding the Polish Olympic Committee [PKOl], a dispute between Radosław Piesiewicz and the Minister of Sport and Tourism Sławomir Nitras. We are watching his next edition now – after the appointment of President Andrzej Duda as a Polish candidate for the International Olympic Committee [IOC].
Read also: Sławomir Nitras talks about the lies of Radosław Piesiewicz. He gives his earnings
“We see clearly that many Polish companies are beginning to avoid sport. From the new agreements we have concluded this year, for PZN there are mainly foreign companies. Polish people are afraid not only of the result, but also the atmosphere. They prefer to go into the digital market, invest in smaller, safer influensers who are credible in their niches.
PLN 400,000 for signature and a million in the bonus system. Luxury will no longer be
According to our information, this greatly affects the rates in Polish jumps. In the times of greatest successes, the stars of Polish jumps, Żyła, Kamil Stoch and Dawid Kubacki could count on contracts of PLN 400,000 for signature and a million in the bonus system. Of course, next year.
“This money will not be given anymore unless the players return to the ruthless top. Expectations must be much lower, and the payout is more dependent on the results. After all, from what I hear, Piotrek has a few suggestions on the table and it may be that by the end of the year he will get along with someone. Remember that Żyła is not an easy case, it has to be really well fit to the brand to make the cooperation credible – says Winkiel.
Clout MMA nie pomogło Piotrowi Żyle. “Poważni sponsorzy tego nie lubią”
I dodaje, że plotki podgrzewające rychły udział skoczka w celebryckich galach Clout MMA bardzo mu zaszkodziły: – Clout MMA zrobiło w tym temacie dużo złego. Poważni sponsorzy nie lubią gal freakfightowych, wolą się od nich trzymać z daleka.
Oczywiście gaża za taki pojedynek mogłaby Żyle zrekompensować straty, ale na razie do niego nie doszło.
Czytaj więcej: Wiadomo, co dalej z CLOUT MMA. Federacja rozwiewa wątpliwości
Warto dodać, że choć zawodnik traci spore pieniądze na braku sponsora na kasku, to nie został zupełnie bez indywidualnego wsparcia. – Piotrek jest na polskim rynku twarzą Milki, a to bardzo dobra umowa. Ma też te swoje banany Yellow, myślę, że nie ma się co o niego martwić – śmieje się Winkiel.
Piotr Żyła
Piotr Żyła (Foto: Tomasz Jastrzębowski/Foto Olimpik / newspix.pl)
Co nie zmienia faktu, że polskie skoki i Żyła bardzo potrzebują wyniku. Do tej pory nawet zdolni juniorzy z łatwością znajdywali sponsorów po 1,5-2,5 tys. zł miesięcznie. Ale to dlatego, że nasze skoki przez lata kojarzyły się z medalami. Bez sukcesów będzie trudniej.
Czytaj również: Dlatego Dawid Kubacki nie pojawi się w Engelbergu. Wszystko jasne
– Brakuje zawodnika walczącego w każdym konkursie o miejsce w najlepszej szóstce. Kamil i Piotrek mają już swoje lata, ale myślę, że wszyscy czekamy na powrót Dawida do dawnej formy. On jest przecież rocznik 1990, jak Pius Paschke. Wciąż stać go na duże rzeczy. Wierzymy też w Olka, Pawła i pozostałych – zapewnia Winkiel.